Thursday, December 18, 2008

Jupiter Trial

What a joke. Roughly 100 people need to treat at 2 years to prevent 1 MI. So they extrapolate the data to 5 years and state the NNT is 25?

The cost at 2 years to prevent 1 MI. Let's see, 4 dollars a day, 100 people, 400 dollars a day for 2 years is a grand total of 285000 dollars!!

Not to mention the increase in DM.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

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    • Take responsibility for your health. ...
    • Know your risks. ...
    • Don't smoke or expose yourself to second-hand smoke. ...
    • Maintain a healthy blood pressure. ...
    • Monitor your cholesterol (blood lipids). ...
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    • Make exercise a daily habit. ...
    • Pick your pills wisely.
